"I know the law and backed my claim legally," she was quoted as saying.
"I did it but anyone else could have done it, it simply occurred to me first," she added.
Duran said that she plans to profit from her property and wants to charge those who derive a benefit from the sun's energy.
She claimed that she had met representatives from Spain's industry ministry to discuss levying a fee on photovoltaic plants for converting the sun's energy into electricity.
The woman said: "When you have a property, it makes sense to make use of it. Power companies profit from the rivers which belong to everyone so I hope to take advantage of the sun."
According to her plan, half of the proceeds will go to the government, 20 percent to the country's pension fund, 10 percent to help end world hunger and 10 percent on research. The last 10 percent of the earnings from the Sun will be kept for herself.
She said: "It is time to start doing things the right way, if there is an idea for how to generate income and improve the economy and people's wellbeing, then why not do it?"
Source: Indo-Asian News Service (NDTV)